Upcoming GPC Events
Access premiums for upcoming events.
Access premiums for upcoming events.
Plan to join us to start the new year off right! We will meet at Kelsey's Restaurant in Ellicott City, MD at 12:30pm on Saturday, January 8th. Â Please send us reservations no later than January 5th, so we can reserve the appropriate space needed. Â We will have a short business meeting and elect new officers.… Read More »Meeting & Party! Join us/ new people welcome to check us out!
Anyone who would like to help clean up after the show on Sunday, January 16th at My K-9 Buddy, 110 Airport Drive, Westminster, MD, is most welcome. Â Please let me know asap if you can show up around 3 or 4pm so we can finish up quickly! Â Thanks to all who are helping. Â Send a… Read More »HELP needed for Breed show clean up
Join us January 15th and 16th, 2022 for our new Poodle Shows! Here are the premiums for all 4 shows in Westminster, MD. Looking forward to seeing everyone in the new year! https://www.raudogshows.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Greenspring-Poodle-2022-PL.pdf
Please visit the American Kennel Club site at AKC.org for a complete list of upcoming dog shows in Mid-Atlantic region.