Upcoming GPC Events
Access premiums for upcoming events.
Access premiums for upcoming events.
We are planning a lunch meeting on Sunday, February 25th. Watch for more details.
Here is our premium for July 30. Also, below that is the premium for the Washington Poodle Club. These trials are open to any breed including "All American dogs", however, Poodles have preference. https://www.apps.akc.org/apps/eventplans/eventsearch/blocks/dsp_generate_pdf.cfm?KEY_BINARY_CONTENT=72237 https://www.apps.akc.org/apps/eventplans/eventsearch/blocks/dsp_generate_pdf.cfm?KEY_BINARY_CONTENT=72238 For both trials, judging starts at 9 am. The judge for Saturday is Michael Mooney and Sunday is Linda Morris.… Read More »Obedience Trial premiums for July 29th & 30th
Holiday Party at MAD CHEF, in Ellicott City on Saturday, January 7th at 12:30pm. For menu & directions: https://www.madchefkitchen.com RSVP to Patricia.Helm1234@gmail.com by January 5th Optional gift swap-it's FUN! Limit $25 PLEASE bring cash since we cannot get individual checks. We will have a super short business meeting, but mostly fun stuff! Time for annual dues: Checks… Read More »Put on your Party face and join us!
Please visit the American Kennel Club site at AKC.org for a complete list of upcoming dog shows in Mid-Atlantic region.