Obedience Trial Results
Here is a link to the results for our Obedience Trial on July 30th. Congratulations to everyone who qualified! https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2/#inbox/FMfcgzGtwMkDgTVmqHFgGHlSMbwQpkMP?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1
Here is a link to the results for our Obedience Trial on July 30th. Congratulations to everyone who qualified! https://mail.google.com/mail/u/2/#inbox/FMfcgzGtwMkDgTVmqHFgGHlSMbwQpkMP?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1
We enjoyed having a full competition in July and look forward to another one in October. Here is the premium. We hope to see you there! https://www.apps.akc.org/apps/event_calendar/index.cfm?urldetail=1-Oct-2023&event_type=OBED&event_states=MD&action=plan&event_number=2023034306&cde_comp_group=OBED&event_month=Oct&event_year=2023&cde_comp_type=OBED&NEW_END_DATE1=&key_stkhldr_event=&mixed_breed=N
Jump in and have a splash with our club at our annual pool party at Joannie & Paul’s home in Thurmont, MD. Date: Saturday, August 12 at noon Bring a dish to share and be sure to RSVP to GreenspringPoodle@gmail.com… Read More »ALL POODLE POOL PARTY
Join us for our planning meeting for our summer events. We will hold a pot luck lunch at Elice’s home in Annapolis. Saturday, June 24th at 12:30. Limited seating, RSVP a must to greenspringpoodle@gmail.com When you respond, Elice will send… Read More »June Pot Luck Meeting
Here are the premiums for the obedience trials on July 29 and 30th at Canine Training Association. Judge for Saturday is Michael Mooney and for Sunday is Linda Morris. Judging will start at 9 am. These trials are open to… Read More »Obedience premiums for July here!
Join us at the Peppermill Restaurant for our meeting on Saturday, May 13th at 12:30 pm. Visitors Welcome. This location is just 2 blocks north of the Baltimore Beltway, exit 26, York Rd, Timonium, in Heaver Plaza. See the directions… Read More »May 13th Meeting